Hello to all bitcoin and blockchain communities wherever you are today.

Today it is impossible to imagine life without the Internet. While browsing the Web, everyone wants to remain anonymous in order to prevent the leakage of personal data, locations, bank account information, and so on. Denying unauthorized access to the information mentioned above for the third party without prior consent of the user is what is essential makes up anonymity.
The Internet is very instrumental in espionage and shadowing anyone in that space. Government agencies and secret services, as well as business and banking entities, are using the Web to collect information they need; advertisers and merchants build customer profiles on this info; single individuals are spying on each other.

It is a decentralized network ecosystem of a new generation based on the blockchain paradigm and employing state-of-the-art technologies in cryptography and information security. The project is expected to pass through several development stages:

1. Multi-cryptocurrency STEALTH WALLET is developed with strong emphasis on anonymity. It will offer a built-in mixer and users will be able to earn passive income
while using it.
2. Self-sufficient anonymous and autonomous network infrastructure is built, similar to Tor.
3. Web content is created, available only from within the STEALTH PROJECT network.

Multi-cryptocurrency anonymous STEALTH WALLET
How can a user become anonymous in the Bitcoin network? The market for cryptocurrencies is expanding rapidly with new and more anonymous coins springing up everywhere, but what should all those who discard such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other pseudo-anonymous coins do? There is a solution to this question, so it is how to solve it.
STEALTH WALLET is a software product developed for managing and storing cryptocurrencies. It aims to simplify the use of cryptocurrencies in everyday life as well as the convenient way of storing your assets in the new financial reality, where

Supports the following cryptocurrencies:


1. Complete anonymity
2. The highest known level of security
3. Built-in coin mixer (for currency not originally supported)
4. Possibility of passive, constant income only with the ownership of cryptocurrency (Participation in the built-in mixer program is required)
5. The private node system is similar to TOR, an anonymous personal server network around the world
6. P2P exchange in the STEALTH WALLET ecosystem (similar to ShapeShift)
7. Instant payment in WALLET STEALTH system
8. VPN default
9. Choice of wallet online and cool

How to work
STEALTH WALLET is a unique payment system where everyone who agreed to participate in the anonymous transactions program and receive passive income through this program is mixing your coins. All transactions are instant for end users and processed automatically, with a delay for network nodes to provide better anonymity. Besides, it will be possible to make P2P exchanges inside the Stealth Wallet platform (for currencies available in the wallet). For the sake of security, we intentionally skip some possibilities here, though we demonstrate a few of them below.

So, some valid transactions available to users:

1. Simple cryptocurrency payment (Attention this transaction can be tracked!)


2. Payment with mixing, from Donald to Vladimir (example)


3. P2P-payment with exchange between Donald and Vladimir


4. Payment to yourself with mixing


5. Payment to yourself with exchange and mixing


STEALTH WALLET can send your coins with almost unlimited variations, which will be chosen by the system at random to provide better privacy.
Thanks to all this, complete anonymity is achievable, which excludes the possibility of giving away any personal data as it is impossible to track it down.
If you want to keep your private info safe and avoid falling victim to criminals or government agencies, you will simply have to use our wallet.
For making transactions, we use a technology similar to Tor but with our own system of servers in any country and which are not controlled by any official body of any country.

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Hasil gambar untuk stealth wallet.bounty

Hasil gambar untuk stealth wallet.bounty


1. 09/2017
Project founders first meeteing. Creation of STEALTH PROJECT

2. 10/2017 – 02/2018
Lively discussion of a project on Deep Web

3. 03/2018
Preparation of terms of reference

4. 04/2018
Evaluation of project’s financial credibility. Final decision to go public to start ICO.

5. 05/2018
ICO-project preparation

6. 01/06 – 10/06/2018

7. 11/06 – 01/07/2018

8. 01/07 – 20/12/2018
STEALTH WALLET software development:
~ User Interface Design (UI) for Windows, Android, Mac, Web, Linux platforms (standard display resolutions)
~ User Interface Design for client and server applications
~ Server application development
~ Windows client application development
~ Web client application development
~ Android client application development
~ iOS client application development
~ Linux client application development
~ Self-testing of software

9. 09/2018
Listing STELZ on crypto exchanges

10. 15/10/2018
STEALTH WALLET beta-version release

11. 01/11 – 01/12/2018
Purchase of 1 000 000 STELZ; 0.5 $ / token

12. 11/2018 – 12/2018
Software acceptance testing

13. 20/12/2018

14. 01/2019 – 07/2019
STEALTH PROJECT ecosystem development

15. 07/07/2019

Our team
We understand that by hiding our faces and actual data we risk the release of our ICO.
However, taking into consideration the nature of the project as well as the fact that some of us are currently employed by well-known companies, we prefer to stay
We understand that we oppose a well-established system.
We acknowledge that most governments do not accept anonymity.
Our main principle is that everyone has the right to privacy.
There is a strong possibility that one day we will reveal our real identities, although the dates are still to be determined.

Current employee of one among the largest crypto wallets
Former manager of one among the largest search engines
Hacker specializing in cryptolockers and crypto wallets
Developer of The Onion Router (TOR
Former special services officer (USA)







AUTHOR: demoltion
