ThinkCoin – Multi Asset Trading On The Blockchain

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What is ThinkCoin?

ThinkCoin is the digital token that will be the unit of all trades on the TradeConnect protocol. It can be used to trade CFDs, forex, commodities, shares, or any other financial products, including other cryptocurrencies.

What is forex trading
Have you ever swapped foreign currency at Money Changer? Maybe some of you often or at least have exchanged foreign currency you have, whether in the form of US Dollar, EURO, Pound Sterling, Yen, Real, Ringgit or others to Rupiah currency.

How does it work?
ThinkCoin will fuel the TradeConnect network, which will enable blockchain-based trading on a scale and at a speed never before seen.

The network will combine blockchain-based smart contracts with off-chain transactions.

This solution enables us to benefit from the:

  • trust and integrity of the blockchain ledger
  • the ability to hold and settle funds on the blockchain
  • the speed of using off-chain processing.

TradeConnect’s advanced features include:

  • A daily rebate rewarded in proportion to a user’s participation in the network.
  • Machine Learning models will drive the price matching engine.
  • A Margin Lending system that will limit lending to vetted counterparties.
  • Trade matching engine that rewards market makers for using the network.

The mission statement

Trade stuck in models and structures that are decades old. The new technology has created new opportunities in financial services and we want to maintain our position in innovation. In TradeConnect, we are creating a transactional network where the latest AI technology and the revolutionary power of blockchain combine to free business from the limitations of legacy practices. ThinkCoin, the cryptocurrency it will run on, will eventually allow the business of any financial product, allowing an unprecedented variety of professions to be conducted. We will exploit new technology to design a network that offers market flexibility that has never before been seen. Most of us will change the trade forever.

TradeConnect will bring trading to the future

Decades of financial award-winning experience have led to the development of a cutting-edge trading Network that will change the world of trading forever. Based on the Blockchain, TradeConnect will allow traders to trade any financial asset instantly and without intermediaries.

Hasil gambar untuk thinkcoin roadmap

Token information

Name: ThinkCoin ( TCO )

What is ThinkCoin?

ThinkCoin is a cryptocurrency designed to enable trading of financial products and cryptocurrencies between individuals and organizations on a level playing field.

Total supply: 500,000,000

Total allocation: 300,000,000

Hard hat: 30 million US dollars

Cap: 5 million US dollars

Currency: BTC, ETH, BCH, LTC and Fiat.

Hasil gambar untuk thinkcoin roadmap




Hasil gambar untuk thinkcoin roadmap

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profile: https: // action = profile; u = 1785646
ETH: 0x62b0f6A288263DaFCD6F8831d06fa3586daBb0ab


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